We offer warranty
i post-warranty service

Service conditions

Ask your regional service technician or sales agent for the price of transportation, service technician work, and periodic safety technical inspections (PBTK) for a specific product and their periodicity.

The price  follows the current price list.

Our service technicians have the highest qualification meeting the relevant decree 50, § 7, 9.

Service centers


Soumarská 1541/8
Prague 10 – Uhříněves


Masaryk Square 29 
680 01 Boskovice

Karlovy Vary

Karlovy Vary

Jiří Zavázal


Certificates of our technicians

Our service technicians perform installation, maintenance and PBTK on products manufactured by Madisson. We also provide certified service to a number of Czech brands as well as world producers such as DJO Global - Chattanooga, Enraf Nonius, Sprintex, Fisioline, Winback, Medexim, Trautwein, Meden Inmed, Remed and a number of others.

Order service

Our service technicians have the highest qualification meeting the relevant decree 50, § 7, 8, 9. 

Please remember to have a regular safety technical check (PBTK) of your devices. The inspection period depends on the product, but for rehabilitation techniques it must be carried out as a rule once a year.

Company Information

Contact person

Equipment information