Instrumentation > High Power Laser – LUMIX C.P.S.® Podiatry

Zdravé nehty už nemusí být Váš nesplněný sen, s naším vysokovýkonným laserem se sen stane realitou. Trápí Vás mykóza nehtů a mastičky již nezabírají? Máme pro Vás řešení, které zabere 4-8 minut Vašeho času a po 14 - ti dnech poznáte rozdíl. Přijďte vyzkoušet bezbolestnou metodu na odstranění mykózy, abyste se už za svou plíseň na nehtech nemuseli stydět! Máme pro Vás řešení, které funguje. Vysokovýkonný laser LUMIX C.P.S.® Podiatry je novinka na českém trhu, která je světově ověřená.   V našem centru tuto terapii provádí vyškolený fyzioterapeut.

High Power Laser – LUMIX C.P.S.® Podiatry

Technical specifications

The high-powered laser LUMIXR C.P.S.® Podiatry, is the latest multi-diode laser with a patented C.P.S. emission modem (continuous, pulse, and superpulse) that enables effective photobiostimulation for use in podiatry.

Up to four wavelengths of this device (from 650 nm to 1064 nm) combined with a maximum power of up to 45 W allows for more effective treatment with high amounts of energy reaching deep into the tissue.

An exclusive C.P.S. system "mixes" the energy of different types of laser sources to integrate special characteristics such as high maximum power in superpulse mode and high average power in continuous mode.

The high-powered laser LUMIXR C.P.S.® Podiatry also offers a wavelength of 650 nm, a visible red light that mainly has a coagulation and anti-swelling effect. At this wavelength, melanin optimally absorbs laser energy in the skin, providing enough energy for the surface tissue. This results in faster healing.

Therapeutic indications of high power laser in podiatry, rehabilitation and orthopaedics:
- ulcers
- diabetic foot
- Lesions
- swelling
- chondropathy
- bruising
- fungal leg
- sprain fracture
- Berry ulcers
- plantar fasciitis
- idealisposterior syndrome
- Distortions
- distension
- muscle damage
- heel spur
- achilles tendon inflammation
- tendiopathy of arthropathy, arthrosis and joint pain
- post-operative scarring post-operatively
- bedsore burn
- onychomycosis
- warts of the skin

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